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Applying the finish, and dismantling the old bench

I applied my first coat of finish to the new bench. I think it’s coming up really nicely. The finish I’m using is Monocel outdoor furniture oil. It’s supposed to be a minimum of 2 coats, with 24 hours between each coat.

In the meanwhile, I decided to tidy up the shed and dismantle the old workbench.

old bench
The old workbench

On further consideration, it seems a bit inappropriate to call this thing a “workbench”. It’s so rickety it barely even qualifies as a “table”. “Sculpture”, maybe?

old bench disassembly
This provocative work invites the viewer to consider the question: can a whole bunch of mismatched screws substitute for proper joinery? The work then boldly posits its own answer to that question, which is a resounding “Nope”.

I am very excited to never have to look at, or touch, this awful pile of junk again.

What’s next

  • Applying the second and final coat of oil.
  • Moving the new bench into position.